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Snowsports Lessons & Training in San Diego, CA

Learn to ride snowboards and skis long before you ever hit the mountain.

Get the basic skills mastered, or tune in your muscle memory, so your time on the snow is for maximum fun only.



Standard 30 Min Private Session: $150.00

Here, we cover basic techniques, stance, balance, and initial movements.

  • Concentrated, efficient coaching on specific skills
  • Ideal for working on particular techniques or challenges
  • Flexibility to schedule as part of a training routine or package

30 minute private ski lesson that includes boots and snowboard.


    Standard 30 Min Private Session: $150.00

    Here, we cover basic techniques, stance, balance, and initial movements.

    • Concentrated, efficient coaching on specific skills
    • Ideal for working on particular techniques or challenges
    • Flexibility to schedule as part of a training routine or package

    30 minute private snoboard lesson. Boots and snowboard included.



    Ski and snowboard lessons don’t need to take place on the mountain, during your vacation.

    Learning to snowboard or ski BEFORE you get there, means time spent on the snow has much less risk, and much more fun!

    Whether you’re an adult, child, or anything in-between, there’s no need to spend half your ski or snowboard trip LEARNING to ride.  Spend your snowsports trip, skiing and snowboarding with confidence, enjoying the snow and the mountain!

    Our portable snowsports training platform has a snow simulation carpet treadmill. You can learn to ride, and turn, and all the basics safely, holding onto a safety bar.

    We have professional trained ski and snowboard instructors to safely guide you through your first steps in snowsports, to get you learning as quickly as possible.



    4 Sessions: $500.00

    4 Session Package at $125.00 per Session


    8 Sessions: $920.00

    8 Session Package at $115.00 per Session


    12 Sessions: $1,260.00

    12 Session Package at $105.00 per Session



    Even the most seasoned snowboarders and skiers need to train before riding again. After a season of long, lazy summer days, it’s time to get your skills back up to scratch before hitting the snow.

    Instead of spending weeks getting reconditioned, and retraining muscle memory before gaining confidence again, hit the snowsports simulator a few times, to get ready. Don’t spend the first few days of powder, relearning how to ride, or feeling sore all over again.

    Test out new equipment, to see if it works before you head out, and reduce the risk of injury due to being a little rusty.

    No matter what your skiing or snowboarding ability level, getting the feeling of riding back again, before hitting the mountain has MASSIVE benefits.



    Even the most seasoned snowboarders and skiers need to train before riding again. After a season of long, lazy summer days, it’s time to get your skills back up to scratch before hitting the snow.

    Instead of spending weeks getting reconditioned, and retraining muscle memory before gaining confidence again, hit the snowsports simulator a few times, to get ready. Don’t spend the first few days of powder, relearning how to ride, or feeling sore all over again.

    Test out new equipment, to see if it works before you head out, and reduce the risk of injury due to being a little rusty.

    No matter what your skiing or snowboarding ability level, getting the feeling of riding back again, before hitting the mountain has MASSIVE benefits.